4 Things Leaders Can Learn From “The Rescue” To Build Powerful Teams
The Rescue takes you on a journey where 13 boys are stranded in underwater caves, and the rescue efforts that ensued. Teams of people from around the world came together with incredible strength and I saw a clear relationship to how this translates to creating powerful teams within organizations.
Does Being Busy Equal Success?
Have you ever been in a situation where you’re in non-stop back to back meetings, and find yourself unsure of when you’ll do the actual work?
Training APEX Awards Best Practice: ESL Federal Credit Union’s Emerging Leader Program
Over the years, I have had the privilege to dive into organizations and work with many great leaders.
Disengagement; the silent assassin in organizational effectiveness & how leaders can combat it
We are living in a time where there is a fundamental shift in employee/employer relationships. Between technology and The Great Awakening